nomads who were upto 40% of Irans population, are an Important component of Persian culture, you can find all around Iran the tribal roots. read more about differnt nomads typography in Iran, here. Nowadays they are stimated to be just about 1% of the populartion but still they are more than one milion people. Bakhtiari nomads are the tribe who have preserved their traditions such as the Kuch more than other tribes. Kuch (the act of migration bitween pastures) is the most Iconic aspect of nomads life, taste the Kuch in the following video becase its hard to explain it in words.
Who are we?
‘Iran Nomad Tours’ start-up aims to preserve subculture which are in danger of extinction by utilizing ecotourism and we are in charge of one of the workshops in Wadi event. We design unique experiences in which responsible travelers can live with locals. it is So that it provides benefits to them in a way that they continue their precious lifestyle. In other words, they do not abandon their villages or tents for living in cities. the main offer we provide is Kuch tour in which we join the nomads in their traditional migration path exactly like their 10 thousand years old ancestors.
Iran subculture holds a library of social, cultural and natural knowledge. As Allan Savory in his TED Talk puts it: “The ONLY option to fight desertification and reverse climate change is to use livestock bunched and moving as a proxy for former herds and predators and mimic nature. There is no other alternative for humankind.”. We have called for the aid of rural communities to join us for this goal and minimize the negative effects on communities we’re visiting. We design tours where people experience living in a nomad society by active presence instead of being served.
more than what we have written about ourselves, you can read “About Kooch and Nomad Tours” pdf file which is written by Ivan Dogic who is a tourism researcher working in iran for one and a half year and has accompanied us on one of our experiences. We thought it might be quite helpful to see it in other perspectives.
the above content is about the running project of “KuchTour”, Recently we are running a project in which we will try to submit Khouyeh Village as the first organic village in Iran. There are open volunteer positions for developing technical ideas, WOOFing, and content providing for this village. In the attached “Khoye Project proposal”, you can find the complete description of what we aim to do.
Workshop schedule and the Homeworks
What will be presenting at our class?
In our workshop, we’ll be mainly focusing on introducing our developing ‘Ecotourism Projects’ in Iran (the two projects which we explained above). First, we are going to talk about our experiences and what we learned. Finally, if there is any other thing left or unanswered or needs to be discussed we are going to answer them so the first homework is to send us the questions that you like to be answered in our talk. Due to to the reason I explained before and what I am going to explain about second homework it would be better to get to know us more. we have explained ourself in the story part of last year crowdfunding campaign which is still accessible by clicking on continue reading in this page.
Last but not least, the best second homework will be anounced. what is the second homework: We would love that you also share your knowledge with us. similar international experiences you have either done yourself, seen or researched about and tell how we could implement these experiences in our work and how it could be useful for us; so the second homework is to write a suggestion for how to expand and implement our work in a way it fits to our visions.
What exactly we would like you to do in the second homework?
We seek to learn from your experiences and ideas. We want to hear your ideas and suggestions on ‘Sustainable Development in Tourism with the aim of preserving subcultures on the verge of extinction, especially concerning Iran’s dying cultures & tribes’. one person will be selected to present the results at the class. he/she Also will be rewarded with a free ‘Kuch Tour’ (Our featured tour). The more your experiences and their implementation is useful for us, the more you will have the chance to have a first-hand experience of a nomadic odyssey. Others who will do the workshop could have 20% discount on any tour including the tour which is planned for just after the winter-school.
If you need any extra information or have any question in mind, feel free to contact us: [email protected]
If You are interested to have a taste of Iranian Nomads and the pure Nature, please fill in your name for finalizing the details.
You could join the tour just after the International Student Week in Iran
Enjoy the nature & live with Nomadic families
Delve into the ancient nomadic culture by a 3-day nomadic tour in 3 remote, picturesque villages beyond magnificent Mt. Zagros. Enjoy the scenic beauty of the historic mountainous villages and get a first-hand account of the settled nomads’ life.